This is the second of a four part serious on the economy of all things. Part Two discusses how this resulting network of manipulatory power warps our souls.
When Fair is Foul: The Economy of Everything, Part One
This is the first of a four part series on the economy of everything. Part One discusses the disastrous creed that is ‘growth for the sake of growth.’
Nothing but the Truth
Too often we focus on what the truth will cost us. We need to consider what is the cost of lies. Truth makes free. So let us become wellsprings of truth.
The Successor Ideology
Scientism may be the successor ideology to liberalism. This totalizing Ideology masquerades as science. It leads to social disintegration.
Corruption Happens
When we corrupt truth and goodness and beauty the world becomes incoherent. Self-naming is the corruption that corrupts all things. We have to understand we’re part of a larger story. And freedom is a good that must integrate with other goods.
A Million Angry Shards
Society is fast becoming a dysfunctional madhouse. We retain an image of morality without the actual content, splintered into a million angry shards. We reinforce our increasingly incoherent values with circular reasoning and other forms of paralogic. We cannot speak intelligibly about tradeoffs. Meaning and purpose are largely a mystery. We see no solutions that aren’t technological or bureaucratic.
Witness to the Fall
Western civilization appears to be on the brink. The world no longer makes sense. Would we recognize cultural collapse if it happened to us? If this is a period of transition, to what are we transitioning?
The Atheist Delusion
The idea that we do not need to believe in God to be a good person is simply wrong. Any actual good that we accomplish apart from God is purely incidental.
A Failure of Imagination
Imagination is one of the things that sets us apart from other species. But now imagination is merely seen as flight into fancy.